import networkx as nx
import math
import numpy as np
def edit(R1, R2):
"""Function to return the edit distance between two Reeb graphs. Uses the graph_edit_distance function from
R1 (reeb graph): Reeb graph or Merge tree
R2 (reeb graph): Reeb graph or Merge tree
edit_distance (int): graph edit distance
import networkx as nx
edit_distance = nx.graph_edit_distance(R1.G, R2.G)
return edit_distance
def findFiltration(theta: float, origin: "tuple[float,float]"=(0,0)) -> "tuple[tuple[float,float], tuple[float,float], int]":
'''get line of theta slope going through origin point, also track an inversion flag for dist'''
# could assert this domain but can just adjust for it
if theta >= 2*math.pi:
theta = theta % (2*math.pi)
if theta == 0:
p1 = (origin[0], origin[1]+1)
# slope is normal to the angle
slope = -1 / math.tan(theta)
p1 = (origin[0]+1, origin[1]+slope)
# flip distance function for certain angles
# here, since "left" in our signed dist function is positive, inverting here
sign = 1 if theta <= math.pi and theta > 0 else -1
return (origin, p1, sign)
def getHeightMatrix(mt: nx.DiGraph, verbose: bool=False) -> "tuple[np.matrix, np.matrix]":
''' LCA from networkx, assuming it to be better than Eulerian tour + spare table min range query, returning a matrix of pairwise LCA heights and then the matrix of LCA nodes
this uses Tarjan's offline LCA optimized with inverse Ackermann function so O(Nodes+Queries) approximately
# remove inf node
size = mt.number_of_nodes()-1
heightMatrix = np.zeros((size,size))
nodeMatrix = np.zeros((size,size))
# map actual node indexes to sorted matrix indexes
allNodes = list(mt.nodes)
allNodes = sorted(allNodes)
nodesDict = dict( zip(allNodes, range(len(allNodes))) )
for LCA in nx.tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(mt):
# this is of the form ( (node1, node2), LCA )
# handle root separately
if LCA[0][0]=='inf' or LCA[0][1]=='inf':
i = nodesDict[LCA[0][0]]
j = nodesDict[LCA[0][1]]
heightMatrix[i,j] = mt.nodes[LCA[1]]['fx']
heightMatrix[j,i] = mt.nodes[LCA[1]]['fx']
nodeMatrix[i,j] = LCA[1]
nodeMatrix[j,i] = LCA[1]
heightMatrix = np.matrix(heightMatrix)
nodeMatrix = np.matrix(nodeMatrix)
if verbose:
return heightMatrix, nodeMatrix
def calcDistanceMatrix(mt0: nx.DiGraph, mt1: nx.DiGraph, verbose: bool=False) -> "tuple[np.matrix, np.matrix, np.matrix]":
'''calculate difference matrix of LCA heights, also return LCA nodes of mt0 and mt1'''
h0, nodes0 = getHeightMatrix(mt0, verbose=verbose)
h1, nodes1 = getHeightMatrix(mt1, verbose=verbose)
diff = np.subtract(h1, h0)
if verbose:
return diff, nodes0, nodes1
def calcDistanceInfNorm(mt0: nx.DiGraph, mt1: nx.DiGraph, verbose: bool=False) -> float:
'''calculate infinity norm of two graphs, not used in the complete MT flow but useful as separate utility'''
return np.max(np.abs(calcDistanceMatrix(mt0, mt1, verbose=verbose)[0]))
def getUnitVector(angle: float) -> "tuple[float,float]":
'''get 2D unit vector of input angle'''
x = math.cos(angle)
y = math.sin(angle)
return (x,y)
def getMidpointKey(arr: "list[float]", target: float) -> float:
'''get the midpoint key of the region that contains the target'''
import bisect
b = bisect.bisect_left( arr, target )
if b>=len(arr) or b == 0:
return ((arr[-1]+arr[0])/2 + math.pi) % (math.pi*2)
return (arr[b]+arr[b-1])/2
def _innerProduct(unitVec: "tuple[float,float]", pos: "tuple[float,float]") -> float:
# compute inner product of 2D vector with position
return(unitVec[0] * pos[0] + unitVec[1] * pos[1])
def computeGraphDistanceAtAngle(angle: float, G1: nx.Graph, G2: nx.Graph, criticalDict: "dict[float, np.matrix]", midpointDict, verbose=False) -> float:
'''compute distance of two embedded graphs at a given angle using cached precomputation and inferring all other angles'''
angle = angle % (math.pi*2)
criticalAngles = list(criticalDict.keys())
if angle in criticalAngles:
if verbose:
print(f'using critical angle cache for: {angle}\n')
diff = np.max(np.abs(criticalDict[angle]['diff']))
# convert angle to unit vector
unitVec = getUnitVector(angle)
# find the computed midpoint matrix to work off of
key = getMidpointKey(criticalAngles, angle)
key = math.floor(key*1e9) / 1e9
if verbose:
print(f'found midpoint key {key} for angle {angle}\n')
# intentionally ignoring the heights computed for the midpoint
LCA0 = midpointDict[key]['LCA0']
LCA1 = midpointDict[key]['LCA1']
# both matrices should be same shape
A0 = np.matrix(np.zeros(LCA0.shape))
A1 = np.matrix(np.zeros(LCA1.shape))
# inner product of unit vector and LCA position
for i in range(A0.shape[0]):
for j in range(A0.shape[1]):
pos0 = G1.nodes[LCA0[i,j]]['pos']
A0[i,j] = _innerProduct(unitVec, pos0)
pos1 = G2.nodes[LCA1[i,j]]['pos']
A1[i,j] = _innerProduct(unitVec, pos1)
diff = np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(A1, A0)))
return diff
def computeDistanceAtAngleFromMT(g1_orig: nx.Graph, g2_orig: nx.Graph, angle: float, precision: int=5, show: bool=False, verbose: bool=False) -> "tuple[np.matrix, np.matrix, np.matrix]":
'''given an angle and two graphs, compute full difference matrix and LCA node matrix'''
g1 = g1_orig.copy()
g2 = g2_orig.copy()
filtration = findFiltration(angle)
# assuming all the nodes are integers - using the conversion isn't reliable
mt1 = buildMergeTree(g1, filtration, precision=precision, show=show, size=max(g1.nodes())+1, verbose=verbose)
mt2 = buildMergeTree(g2, filtration, precision=precision, show=show, size=max(g2.nodes())+1, verbose=verbose)
g1_proj = _mtToOtherGraph(mt2, g1, verbose=verbose)
g2_proj = _mtToOtherGraph(mt1, g2, verbose=verbose)
mt1_proj = buildMergeTree(g1_proj, filtration, precision=precision, show=show, size=max(g1_proj.nodes())+1, verbose=verbose)
mt2_proj = buildMergeTree(g2_proj, filtration, precision=precision, show=show, size=max(g2_proj.nodes())+1, verbose=verbose)
assert mt1_proj.number_of_nodes() == mt2_proj.number_of_nodes(), f"Error graph sizes don't match at {angle}, Graph 1: {mt1_proj.nodes()}, Graph 2: {mt2_proj.nodes()}"
return calcDistanceMatrix(mt1_proj, mt2_proj)
def computeDistanceFull(g1: nx.Graph, g2: nx.Graph, precision: int=5, show: bool=False, verbose: bool=False) -> "tuple[dict[str,np.matrix], dict[str,np.matrix]]":
'''calculate all necessary pre-computations of height and LCA matrices for every critical angle and midpoint of two embedded graphs'''
criticalAngles, midpoints = computeAllAngles(g1, g2)
c_dict = {}
for angle in criticalAngles:
if show:
print(f"using critical angle: {angle}")
diff, LCA0, LCA1 = computeDistanceAtAngleFromMT(g1, g2, angle, precision=precision, show=show, verbose=verbose)
c_dict[angle] = {'diff':diff, 'LCA0':LCA0, 'LCA1':LCA1}
m_dict = {}
for angle in midpoints:
angle = math.floor(angle * 1e9) / 1e9
if show:
print(f"using midpoint: {angle}")
diff, LCA0, LCA1 = computeDistanceAtAngleFromMT(g1, g2, angle, precision=precision, show=show, verbose=verbose)
m_dict[angle] = {'diff':diff, 'LCA0':LCA0, 'LCA1':LCA1}
return c_dict, m_dict
def directedMergeTreeDistance(G1_orig: nx.Graph, G2_orig: nx.Graph, precision: int=5, plot: bool=True, show: bool=False, verbose: bool=False, xMin: float=0, xMax: float=2*math.pi, n: int=10000) -> "tuple[np.array, np.array]":
'''get distances of two embedded graphs over linspace of n points from xMin to xMax, full driver code, plot to show graph, show is for internal merge trees'''
G1, G2 = prepareTwoGraphs(G1_orig, G2_orig)
# precache given the prepared graphs
c_dict, m_dict = computeDistanceFull(G1, G2, precision=precision, show=show, verbose=verbose)
X = np.linspace(xMin, xMax, n)
Y = [computeGraphDistanceAtAngle(x, G1, G2, c_dict, m_dict) for x in X]
if plot:
plt.scatter(X,Y, marker=',', s=1)
return X, Y