import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
def isMerge(T,fx):
This function takes in a networkx tree or reeb graph and function, and checks to see if it is a
merge tree. This assumes that the root node(s) has/have a function value of np.inf.
T (Reeb Graph): Networkx graph or reeb graph
fx (dict): function values
isMerge(bool): True if T is a merge tree, False if T is not a merge tree
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from import up_degree
from cereeberus.reeb.reebgraph import Reeb
if type(T) is nx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph or type(T) is nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph:
node_list = list(T.nodes)
up_deg = up_degree(T, fx)
for i in node_list:
if (up_deg[i]==1 or (fx[i]==np.inf and up_deg[i]==0)) == True:
1 == 1
return False
elif type(T) is Reeb:
node_list = list(T.nodes)
for i in node_list:
if (T.node_properties[i]['up_deg']==1 or (fx[i]==np.inf and T.node_properties[i]['up_deg']==0)) == True:
1 == 1
return False
raise TypeError('Graph is not a networkx graph or Reeb graph')
return True
def computeMergeTree(R, filtration: "tuple[tuple[float,float], tuple[float, float], int]" = [[8,0], [8, 7], 1], infAdjust: int=None, precision: int=5, size: int=0, verbose: bool=False, filter: bool = False):
main function to build merge tree for a given graph and filtration
R (Reeb Graph): Reeb Graph
filtration (tuple of tuples): filtration for merge tree
infAdjust (int): parameter to adjust infinite value for root node
precision (int): precision
size (int): size
verbose (bool): verbose
rmt: Merge Tree as a Reeb Graph object
from import remove_isolates
from cereeberus.compute.uf import UnionFind
from cereeberus.compute.uf import getSortedNodeHeights
import networkx as nx
from cereeberus.reeb.merge import mergeTree
Rmt = remove_isolates(R)
# digraph for LCA calcs and it's a tree
mt = nx.DiGraph()
# to handle special indexes post projections (has nodes named >n)
if size != 0:
uf = UnionFind(size, verbose=verbose)
uf = UnionFind(len(Rmt.nodes), verbose=verbose)
visited = set()
numComponents = 0
if filter==True:
heights = getSortedNodeHeights(Rmt, filtration, precision)
heights = R.heights
if verbose:
print("heights:" + str(heights))
# this is the first node of min height since list
topMerge = heights[0][0]
for node, height in heights:
# track visited nodes (helps deal with equal heights)
if verbose:
print(f"now processing node{node}, with {numComponents} already found components")
# check to see if the node has been told it is the endpoint of a previous grouping (the endpoint of an already found edge)
# perform find to make sure these groupings are not the same
possibleGroups = Rmt.nodes[node].get('groups', [])
# if this edge has never been told anything, no existing edges
# add this node in merge tree as start of a new branch
if possibleGroups == []:
if verbose:
print(f"{node} is unconnected, about to add {numComponents}, {height}")
mt.add_node(node, pos=(numComponents, height), fx=height)
numComponents += 1
# iterate through possible groups via unionFind to determine if this is a merge point or one connected component
componentSet = set()
for possibleGroup in possibleGroups:
componentList = list(componentSet)
if verbose:
print( f"received {componentList} membership")
# if they are all the same group, this node is also part of this group
# ignore on merge tree if its part of original graph
# place this on if its a key label from the other graph's merge tree
if len(componentList) == 1:
myRoot = componentList.pop()
uf.union(node, myRoot)
# only add to merge tree if a special key label point
if Rmt.nodes[node].get('projected', False):
if verbose:
print(f"although connected, key label{node}, existing connected to {myRoot}, adding still")
mt.add_node(node, pos=(mt.nodes[myRoot]['pos'][0], height), fx=height)
mt.add_edge(node, myRoot)
# change the root to represent the current head of merge point
if verbose:
print(f"rerooting component {myRoot} to {node}")
uf.rerootComponent(node, node)
# this point could be a top merge point to infinity root
topMerge = node
# skip if on the same graph
if verbose:
print(f"skipping node{node}, existing connected to {myRoot}")
# else this node is the merge point, add on merge tree and perform union
if verbose:
print(f"about to add {numComponents}, {height}, updating topMerge")
topMerge = node
mt.add_node(node, pos=(numComponents-len(componentList), height), fx=height)
for component in componentList:
componentRoot = uf.find(component)
if verbose:
print(f"unioning node{node} and componentRoot of node {componentRoot}")
# union each component
uf.union(node, componentRoot)
# track on merge tree
mt.add_edge(node, componentRoot)
if verbose:
print(f"rerooting {componentRoot} to merge point {node}")
# change the root to represent the current head of merge point
uf.rerootComponent(node, node)
numComponents -= 1
# pass along the finalized group to all the edges above
myGroup = uf.find(node)
for neighbor in Rmt.neighbors(node):
# lower height neighbors seen before
if verbose:
print( f"neighbor{neighbor}")
if neighbor in visited:
if verbose:
print(f"visited{neighbor} already")
# pass new info
groups = Rmt.nodes[neighbor].get('groups', [])
Rmt.nodes[neighbor]['groups'] = groups + [myGroup]
# add final "inf" point, but visualize as max height + 10% of height range unless passed in
if infAdjust is None:
infAdjust = (heights[-1][1] - heights[0][1] ) * 0.1
infHeight = heights[-1][1] + infAdjust
mt.add_node('inf', pos=(0, infHeight), fx=float('inf'))
mt.add_edge('inf', topMerge)
mt = nx.MultiGraph(mt)
fx=nx.get_node_attributes(mt, 'fx')
rmt = mergeTree(mt, fx)
return rmt