Source code for

from cereeberus import ReebGraph, MapperGraph
from import ex_graphs

[docs] def torus(delta = .1, seed=None): ''' Returns the Mapper graph of a simple upright torus as a MapperGraph class. Parameters: delta (float): Optional. The delta value to use for the Mapper graph. seed (int): Optional. The seed to use for the random number generator, which only controls the layout function. Returns: Mapper: The mapper graph of the torus. .. figure:: ../../images/torus_mapper.png :figwidth: 400px ''' return ReebGraph(ex_graphs.torus_graph(), seed=seed).to_mapper(delta = delta)
[docs] def dancing_man(delta = .1, seed=None): ''' Returns the Mapper graph of the dancing man as a MapperGraph class. Parameters: seed (int): Optional. The seed to use for the random number generator, which only controls the layout function. Returns: MapperGraph: The mapper graph of the dancing man. .. figure:: ../../images/dancing_man_mapper.png :figwidth: 400px ''' return ReebGraph(ex_graphs.dancing_man(), seed=seed).to_mapper(delta = delta)
[docs] def juggling_man(delta = .1, seed=None): ''' Returns a modified mapper graph of the juggling man as a MapperGraph class. Some vertex locations were moved to make them integers. Parameters: seed (int): Optional. The seed to use for the random number generator, which only controls the layout function. Returns: MapperGraph: The mapper graph of the juggling man. .. figure:: ../../images/juggling_man_mapper.png :figwidth: 400px ''' R = ReebGraph(ex_graphs.juggling_man(), seed=seed) R.f[9] = 7 R.f[8] = 6 R.f[10] = 5 return R.to_mapper(delta = delta)
[docs] def simple_loops(delta = .1, seed=None): ''' Returns the mapper graph of the simple loops example. Parameters: seed (int): Optional. The seed to use for the random number generator, which only controls the layout function. Returns: MapperGraph: The mapper graph of the simple loops example. .. figure:: ../../images/simple_loops_mapper.png :figwidth: 400px ''' return ReebGraph(ex_graphs.simple_loops(), seed=seed).to_mapper()
[docs] def simple_loops_unordered(seed=None): ''' Returns the mapper graph of the unordered simple loops example. Parameters: seed (int): Optional. The seed to use for the random number generator, which only controls the layout function. Returns: MapperGraph: The mapper graph of the simple loops example. ''' return ReebGraph(ex_graphs.simple_loops_unordered(), seed=seed).to_mapper()