Source code for cereeberus.reeb.embeddedgraph

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cereeberus import ReebGraph

[docs] class EmbeddedGraph(nx.Graph): """ A class to represent a graph with 2D embedded coordinates for each vertex. Attributes graph : nx.Graph a NetworkX graph object coordinates : dict a dictionary mapping vertices to their (x, y) coordinates """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes an empty EmbeddedGraph object. """ super().__init__() self.coordinates = {}
[docs] def add_node(self, vertex, x, y): """ Adds a vertex to the graph and assigns it the given coordinates. Parameters: vertex (str): The vertex to be added. x (float): The x-coordinate of the vertex. y (float): The y-coordinate of the vertex. """ super().add_node(vertex) self.coordinates[vertex] = (x, y)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes, coordinates): """ Adds multiple vertices to the graph and assigns them the given coordinates. Parameters: nodes (list): A list of vertices to be added. coordinates (dict): A dictionary mapping vertices to their coordinates. """ super().add_nodes_from(nodes) self.coordinates.update(coordinates)
[docs] def add_edge(self, u, v): """ Adds an edge between the vertices u and v if they exist. Parameters: u (str): The first vertex of the edge. v (str): The second vertex of the edge. """ if not self.has_node(u) or not self.has_node(v): raise ValueError("One or both vertices do not exist in the graph.") else: super().add_edge(u, v)
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, vertex): """ Returns the coordinates of the given vertex. Parameters: vertex (str): The vertex whose coordinates are to be returned. Returns: tuple: The coordinates of the vertex. """ return self.coordinates.get(vertex)
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, vertex, x, y): """ Sets the coordinates of the given vertex. Parameters: vertex (str): The vertex whose coordinates are to be set. x (float): The new x-coordinate of the vertex. y (float): The new y-coordinate of the vertex. Raises: ValueError: If the vertex does not exist in the graph. """ if vertex in self.coordinates: self.coordinates[vertex] = (x, y) else: raise ValueError("Vertex does not exist in the graph.")
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """ Method to find a bounding box of the vertex coordinates in the graph. Returns: list: A list of tuples representing the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates. """ if not self.coordinates: return None x_coords, y_coords = zip(*self.coordinates.values()) return [(min(x_coords), max(x_coords)), (min(y_coords), max(y_coords))]
[docs] def get_bounding_radius(self): """ Method to find the radius of the bounding circle of the vertex coordinates in the graph. Returns: float: The radius of the bounding circle. """ if not self.coordinates: return 0 x_coords, y_coords = zip(*self.coordinates.values()) norms = [np.linalg.norm(point) for point in zip(x_coords, y_coords)] return max(norms)
[docs] def get_mean_centered_coordinates(self): """ Method to find the mean-centered coordinates of the vertices in the graph. Returns: dict: A dictionary mapping vertices to their mean-centered coordinates. """ if not self.coordinates: return None x_coords, y_coords = zip(*self.coordinates.values()) mean_x, mean_y = np.mean(x_coords), np.mean(y_coords) return {v: (x - mean_x, y - mean_y) for v, (x, y) in self.coordinates.items()}
[docs] def set_mean_centered_coordinates(self): """ Method to set the mean-centered coordinates of the vertices in the graph. Warning: This overwrites the original coordinates """ self.coordinates = self.get_mean_centered_coordinates()
[docs] def g_omega(self, theta): """ Function to compute the function :math:`g_\omega(v)` for all vertices :math:`v` in the graph in the direction of :math:`\\theta \in [0,2\pi]` . This function is defined by :math:`g_\omega(v) = \langle \\texttt{pos}(v), \omega \\rangle` . Parameters: theta (float): The angle in :math:`[0,2\pi]` for the direction to compute the :math:`g(v)` values. Returns: dict: A dictionary mapping vertices to their :math:`g(v)` values. """ omega = (np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)) g = {} for v in self.nodes: g[v] =[v], omega) return g
[docs] def g_omega_edges(self, theta): """ Calculates the function value of the edges of the graph by making the value equal to the max vertex value Parameters: theta (float): The direction of the function to be calculated. Returns: dict A dictionary of the function values of the edges. """ g = self.g_omega(theta) g_edges = {} for e in self.edges: g_edges[e] = max(g[e[0]], g[e[1]]) return g_edges
[docs] def sort_vertices(self, theta, return_g=False): """ Function to sort the vertices of the graph according to the function g_omega(v) in the direction of theta \in [0,2*np.pi]. Parameters: theta (float): The angle in [0,2*np.pi] for the direction to sort the vertices. return_g (bool): Whether to return the g(v) values along with the sorted vertices. Returns: list A list of vertices sorted in increasing order of the :math:`g(v)` values. If ``return_g`` is True, also returns the ``g`` dictionary with the function values ``g[vertex_name]=func_value``. """ g = self.g_omega(theta) v_list = sorted(self.nodes, key=lambda v: g[v]) if return_g: # g_sorted = [g[v] for v in v_list] return v_list, g else: return v_list
[docs] def sort_edges(self, theta, return_g=False): """ Function to sort the edges of the graph according to the function .. math :: g_\omega(e) = \max \{ g_\omega(v) \mid v \in e \} in the direction of :math:`\\theta \in [0,2\pi]` . Parameters: theta (float): The angle in :math:`[0,2\pi]` for the direction to sort the edges. return_g (bool): Whether to return the :math:`g(v)` values along with the sorted edges. Returns: A list of edges sorted in increasing order of the :math:`g(v)` values. If ``return_g`` is True, also returns the ``g`` dictionary with the function values ``g[vertex_name]=func_value``. """ g_e = self.g_omega_edges(theta) e_list = sorted(self.edges, key=lambda e: g_e[e]) if return_g: # g_sorted = [g[v] for v in v_list] return e_list, g_e else: return e_list
[docs] def lower_edges(self, v, omega): """ Function to compute the number of lower edges of a vertex v for a specific direction (included by the use of sorted v_list). Parameters: v (str): The vertex to compute the number of lower edges for. omega (tuple): The direction vector to consider given as an angle in [0, 2pi]. Returns: int: The number of lower edges of the vertex v. """ L = [n for n in self.neighbors(v)] gv =[v], omega) Lg = [[v], omega) for v in L] return sum(n >= gv for n in Lg) # includes possible duplicate counts
[docs] def plot(self, bounding_circle=False, color_nodes_theta=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Function to plot the graph with the embedded coordinates. If ``bounding_circle`` is True, a bounding circle is drawn around the graph. If ``color_nodes_theta`` is not None, it should be given as a theta in :math:`[0,2\pi]`. Then the nodes are colored according to the :math:`g(v)` values in the direction of theta. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # print("making new figure") else: fig = ax.get_figure() pos = self.coordinates if color_nodes_theta == None: nx.draw(self, pos, with_labels=True, ax=ax, **kwargs) else: g = self.g_omega(color_nodes_theta) color_map = [g[v] for v in self.nodes] # Some weird plotting to make the colorbar work. pathcollection = nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self, pos, node_color=color_map, ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_labels(self, pos=pos, font_color='black', ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self, pos, ax=ax, width=1, **kwargs) fig.colorbar(pathcollection, ax=ax, **kwargs) plt.axis('on') ax.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True) if bounding_circle: r = self.get_bounding_radius() ax = plt.gca() circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), r, fill=False, linestyle='--', color='r') ax.add_patch(circle1) plt.axis('square') return ax
[docs] def reeb_graph_from_direction(self, theta): """ Function to create a ReebGraph from a given direction theta. Parameters: theta (float): The direction in [0, 2pi] to calculate the ReebGraph. Returns: ReebGraph: The ReebGraph object created from the EmbeddedGraph. """ sorted_verts, g_verts= self.sort_vertices(theta, return_g = True) g_vert_list = np.array([g_verts[v] for v in sorted_verts]) # Get the locations of a new function value since those will collapse down to a single vertex in the Reeb graph new_val_locs = np.where(1-np.isclose(g_vert_list[:-1] , g_vert_list[1:]))[0] +1 new_val_locs = np.concatenate([[0,], new_val_locs]) # This dictionary will be find_comp[vertex_name] = new_vertex_name find_comp = {} vert_list = [] f_dict_new = {} for val_i,i in enumerate(new_val_locs): if val_i == len(new_val_locs)-1: verts = sorted_verts[i:] else: verts = sorted_verts[i:new_val_locs[val_i+1]] L = list(nx.connected_components(nx.induced_subgraph(self,verts))) for cc_list in L: new_vert = '-'.join(cc_list) vert_list.append(new_vert) for v in cc_list: find_comp[v] = new_vert f_dict_new[new_vert] = g_vert_list[i] R = ReebGraph() R.add_nodes_from(vert_list,f_dict_new) for e in self.edges: if find_comp[e[0]] != find_comp[e[1]]: R.add_edge(find_comp[e[0]],find_comp[e[1]]) return R
if __name__ == "__main__": # Example usage of the EmbeddedGraph class # Create an instance of the EmbeddedGraph class graph = EmbeddedGraph() # Add vertices with their coordinates graph.add_node('A', 1, 2) graph.add_node('B', 3, 4) graph.add_node('C', 5, 6) # Add edges between vertices graph.add_edge('A', 'B') graph.add_edge('B', 'C') # Get coordinates of a vertex coords = graph.get_coordinates('A') print(f'Coordinates of A: {coords}') # Set new coordinates for a vertex graph.set_coordinates('A', 7, 8) coords = graph.get_coordinates('A') print(f'New coordinates of A: {coords}') # Get the bounding box of the vertex coordinates bbox = graph.get_bounding_box() print(f'Bounding box: {bbox}')